Magnani historical archive

The historical business archive of Magnani paper mills in Pescia is one of the most important in Italy, both in terms of the quantity and quality of the papers stored. 

It is a vast archive which includes documents between the 18th century and the early 21st century. It also helps us reconstruct the business activity of the paper mill and figure out the links with a large part of the Italian industry, as well as many operators and in foreign countries. Photos, personnel documents, company records, correspondence and a section concerning the writings of Carlo Magnani are only some of the items you can find in the archive. 


Magnani 1


The archive was donated by Cartiera Magnani 2000 S.p.A. to the Pescia ETS Paper Museum Association in 2004 and is kept in the restored premises of the "Le Carte" paper mill, which were officially opened on April 9, 2016.


Dsc 2121 (fileminimizer)